Results for 'Wera Rahel Lewin'

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  1. Claude de Seyssel.Wera Rahel Lewin - 1933 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
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    Kurt-Lewin-Werkausgabe: Psychologie der Entwicklung und Erziehung.Kurt Lewin & Carl Friedrich Graumann - 1981
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  3. Rethinking Ideology Rahel Jaeggi.Rahel Jaeggi - 2009 - In Boudewijn de Bruin & Christopher F. Zurn (eds.), New waves in political philosophy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 63.
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    A Note from Kurt Lewin.Kurt Lewin - 1938 - Science and Society 2 (2):259 -.
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    Critique of Forms of Life.Rahel Jaeggi - 2018 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    For many liberals, the question "Do others live rightly?" feels inappropriate. Liberalism seems to demand a follow-up question: "Who am I to judge?" Peaceful coexistence, in this view, is predicated on restraint from morally evaluating our peers. But Rahel Jaeggi sees the situation differently. Criticizing is not only valid but also useful, she argues. Moral judgment is no error; the error lies in how we go about judging. One way to judge is external, based on universal standards derived from (...)
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    Kritik von Lebensformen.Rahel Jaeggi - 2014 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
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    Nach Marx: Philosophie, Kritik, Praxis.Rahel Jaeggi & Daniel Loick (eds.) - 2013 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
  8. Rethinking ideology.Rahel Jaeggi - 2009 - In Boudewijn de Bruin & Christopher F. Zurn (eds.), New waves in political philosophy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    ${\rm C}_1$ is not algebraizable.R. A. Lewin, I. F. Mikenberg & M. G. Schwarze - 1991 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 32 (4):609-611.
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    Fortschritt und Regression.Rahel Jaeggi - 2018 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
    Die Abschaffung der Sklaverei, die Einführung sozialer Sicherungssysteme, die Sanktionierung von Vergewaltigung in der Ehe gelten gemeinhin als gesellschaftlicher Fortschritt – als ein Wandel zum Besseren. Dennoch hat die Idee einer generellen Fortschrittsbewegung ihren alten Glanz verloren, ja, sie ruft sogar Skepsis hervor. In aller Munde ist hingegen die Diagnose der Regression. Sie wird diversen Zeiterscheinungen gestellt, vom rechtsautoritären Populismus bis zur Demokratiemüdigkeit. -/- Rahel Jaeggi verteidigt in ihrem Buch das Begriffspaar Fortschritt und Regression als unverzichtbares sozialphilosophisches Werkzeug für (...)
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  11. Transcendental Philosophy as a Scientific Research Programme.Michael Lewin - 2021 - Kantian Journal 40 (3):93-126.
    Transcendental philosophy was not born like Athena out of Zeus’s head, mature and in full armour from the very beginning. That is why in both prefaces to the Critique of Pure Reason (1781 and 1787) Kant introduces the concept of transcendental philosophy as an “idea.” The idea understood architectonically develops slowly and only gradually acquires a definite form. As witnessed by the works of Kant himself and of his predecessors and followers, the idea of transcendental philosophy has undergone a series (...)
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    Kant’s Metaphilosophy.Michael Lewin - 2021 - Open Philosophy 4 (1):292-310.
    While the term “metaphilosophy” enjoys increasing popularity in Kant scholarship, it is neither clear what distinguishes a metaphilosophical theory from a philosophical one nor to what extent Kant’s philosophy contains metaphilosophical views. In the first part of the article, I will introduce a demarcation criterion and show how scholars fall prey to the fallacy of extension confusing Kant’s philosophical theories with his theories about philosophy. In the second part, I will analyze eight elements for an “imperfect definition” of philosophy outlining (...)
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  13. What (if Anything) Is Wrong with Capitalism? Dysfunctionality, Exploitation and Alienation: Three Approaches to the Critique of Capitalism.Rahel Jaeggi - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (S1):44-65.
    What is the problem with capitalism? Is it wrong, unjust, irrational, or bad? Is it evil or dumb—or is it just not working? While critiques of capitalism have become commonplace—particularly since the most recent global economic crisis—it is often unclear what exactly is being condemned. Likewise, the normative presuppositions and criteria of such criticisms have been left unspecified. In this paper, I distinguish between three approaches to the critique of capitalism, distinguishing a functional, a moral, and an ethical argumentative strategy (...)
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  14. Meaning and grammar: Cross-linguis-tic perspectives. Ed. by MICHEL.Wera Berlin & Mouton de Gruyter - 1994 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press.
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    Bearing witness: A moral way of engaging in the nurse–person relationship.Rahel Naef Rn Bscn Mn - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (3):146–156.
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    die philosophie Condillacs..Wera Saltykow - 1901 - Bern,: Druck von C. Sturzenegger.
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  17. .Rahel Villinger: - unknown
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  18. Aesthetic judgment : Alexander Kluge.Rahel Villinger - 2019 - In Dieter Mersch, Sylvia Sasse, Sandro Zanetti & Frauke Berndt (eds.), Aesthetic theory. Zurich: Diaphanes.
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  19. The Universe of Science. The Architectonic Ideas of Science, Sciences and Their Parts in Kant.Michael Lewin - 2020 - Kantian Journal 39 (2):26-45.
    I argue that Kant has developed a broad systematic account of the architectonic functionality of pure reason that can be used and advanced in contemporary contexts. Reason, in the narrow sense, is responsible for the picture of a well-ordered universe of science consisting of architectonic ideas of science, sciences and parts of sciences. In the first section (I), I show what Kant means by the architectonic ideas by explaining and interrelating the concepts of (a) the faculty of reason, (b) ideas (...)
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  20. Alienation.Rahel Jaeggi - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    In this book Jaeggi draws on phenomenological analyses grounded in modern conceptions of agency, along with recent work in the analytical tradition, to reconceive of alienation as the absence of a meaningful relationship to oneself and ...
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    Schwerpunkt: Verdinglichung.Rahel Jaeggi & Titus Stahl - 2011 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59 (5):697-700.
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  22. Was ist eine (gute) Institution.Rahel Jaeggi - 2009 - In Axel Honneth & Rainer Forst (eds.), Sozialphilosophie und Kritik. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Bearing witness: a moral way of engaging in the nurse-person relationship.Rahel Naef - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (3):146-156.
    For nursing, the idea of bearing witness is of utmost importance. Nurses are present with persons who experience changes in their health and quality of life and who live intense and profound moments of struggling, questioning, and finding meaning. Nurses are also with persons from moment to moment as their lives unfold, and when joy, serenity, contentment, vulnerability, sadness, fear, and suffering are experienced. In this paper, it is proposed that bearing witness is a moral way of engaging in the (...)
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  24. Defining the 'field at a given time.'.K. Lewin - 1943 - Psychological Review 50 (3):292-310.
  25. Reason, ideas and their functions in classical German philosophy [in Russian] | Разум, идеи и их функции в классической немецкой философии.Michael Lewin - 2020 - Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies 36 (1):4-23.
    Over the last two decades there has been a growing interest in the transcendental dialectic of Critique of Pure Reason in Germany. Authors, however, often do not pay enough attention to the fact that Kant’s theory of reason (in the narrow sense) and the concept of ideas derived from it is not limited to this text. The purpose of this article is to compare and analyze the functionality of mind as a subjective ability developed by Kant and Fichte with the (...)
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  26. Sakralisierung der Pädagogik : Zu vermeidendes Problem oder unvermeidbare Tatsache?Rahel Katzenstein - 2013 - In Tamara Deluigi (ed.), Sakralität, Demokratie und Erziehung: Auseinandersetzungen mit der historischen Pädagogik Fritz Osterwalders. Zürich: Lit.
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  27. Foreword.Aleksander Lewin & Ryszard Wasita - 2001 - Dialogue and Universalism 11 (9-10):17-18.
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    New perspectives in philosophy of education: ethics, politics and religion.David Lewin (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    New Perspectives in Philosophy of Education seeks to build a bridge between philosophical reflection and socio-political action by developing a range of critical discussions in the areas of ethics, politics and religion. This volume brings together established authorities and a new generation of scholars to ask whether philosophy of education can contribute to political and social discourse, or whether it is destined to remain the marginal gadfly of mainstream ideology. The philosophy of education stands in danger of becoming a neglected (...)
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    Technology and the philosophy of religion.David Lewin - 2011 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The last one hundred years has seen unimaginable technological progress transforming every aspect of human life. Yet we seem unable to shake a profound unease with the direction of modern technology and its ideological siblings, global capitalism and massive consumption. Philosophers such as Marcuse, Borgmann and especially Heidegger, have developed important analyses of technological society, however in this book David Lewin argues that their ideas have remained limited either by their secular context, or by the narrow conception of religion (...)
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    The Faculty of Ideas. Kant’s Concept of Reason in the Narrower Sense.Michael Lewin - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):340-359.
    In the Transcendental Dialectic, Kant searched for a universal concept of reason different from the understanding and offered the short formula “the faculty of principles”. I will argue that this is only one and not the most pertinent and general mark of the concept of reason. There are more compelling short expressions in Kant’s Reflexionen, the third Critique and/or in the reception of Kant’s works: “the faculty of ideas” or reason in the narrower sense. The latter narrows down the logical (...)
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    Indoctrination.David Lewin - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (4):612-626.
    The indoctrination debates have been a key feature of the philosophy of education over the past 50 years. While it is generally acknowledged that the pejorative associations of indoctrination only emerged over the last 100 years, those normative associations are widely taken to be an essential part of the concept itself as are the positive connotations of education. I explore some of the problems of assuming that the term must refer to something negative and the essentialism that this implies. The (...)
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    Metaphilosophie als einheitliche Disziplin.Michael Lewin - 2023 - Berlin: Springer/Metzler.
    Die sich seit den 1960ern entwickelnde Disziplin der Metaphilosophie ist mit dem Problem der philosophischen Vorbelastetheit metaphilosophischer Theorien behaftet. Diesem Problem wird mit dem erkenntnistheoretischen Programm des Perspektivismus begegnet. Es wird gezeigt, dass tiefgreifendes Verständnis der Perspektivität sich positiv auf die Qualität metaphilosophischer Forschung auswirken kann, deren Einheit nur unter der Idee eines im Vorhinein perspektivenübergreifend ausgerichteten Diskurses möglich ist.
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    On free annotated algebras.Renato A. Lewin, Irene F. Mikenberg & Marı́a G. Schwarze - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 108 (1-3):249-259.
    In Lewin et al. 359–386) the authors proved that certain systems of annotated logics are algebraizable in the sense of Block and Rigozzi 396). Later in Lewin et al. the study of the associated quasi-varieties of annotated algebras is initiated. In this paper we continue the study of the these classes of algebras, in particular, we report some recent results about the free annotated algebras.
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    (1 other version)Horizontal experimentalism: Rethinking democratic resistance.Rahel Süß - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (8):1123-1139.
    Major debates on democratic renewal suggest two ways of eliciting social change: either by strengthening vertical practices of representation or by expanding horizontal forms of participation. The article develops an argument for why there is a need to rethink democratic resistance beyond the vertical–horizontal divide. If contemporary forms of resistance encompass a strategic interplay between vertical and horizontal practices, then an alternative framework is required to capture this logic. Filling this gap, the article introduces the concept of ‘horizontal experimentalism’. Such (...)
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  35. The First Principle in the Later Fichte : The (Not) "Surprising Insight" in the Fifteenth Lecture of the 1804 Wissenschaftslehre.Michael Lewin - 2024 - In Benjamin D. Crowe & Gabriel Gottlieb (eds.), Fichte's 1804 Wissenschaftslehre: essays on the "Science of knowing". Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 61-78.
    How surprising is the insight, that being equals I in the 15th lecture of the Doctrine of Science 1804/II? It might have been indeed an unexpected turn for his contemporaries in Berlin listening to Fichte for the first time, but should it be surprising for us, having at least since 2012 (the year the last volume of [Gesamtausgabe] appeared) access to all his published and unpublished works? I want to propose a way of reading Fichte, which bypasses two popular and (...)
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    Reply to the Comments.Rahel Jaeggi - 2020 - Social Philosophy Today 36:223-229.
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  37. Der Stachel der Selbsttätigkeit und das Ausschöpfen der Freiheit. Zur Vollständigkeit der fünf Weltansichten beim späten Fichte.Michael Lewin - 2020 - Fichte-Studien 48:204-219.
    In the later Fichte the reflection splits the world into a fivefoldness of its possible view. To get through all the a priori arranged levels from sensuality to the Doctrine of Science means to use up all the possibilities of the views of the world. I will examine whether Fichte can offer us a direct proof of completeness of the standpoints or at least show indirectly that there must be exactly five of them. Which answer would he give us if (...)
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    Mystical theology and continental philosophy: interchange in the wake of God.David Lewin (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    8. Eckhart's why and Heidegger's what: beyond subjectivistic thought to groundless ground -- I -- II -- III -- Notes -- 9. Meister Eckhart's speculative grammar: a foreshadowing of Heidegger's Der Satz vom Grund? -- A problem of expression -- Language in modism -- Spiral-vortex metaphor -- Concluding remarks -- Notes -- 10. Pay attention!: exploring contemplative pedagogies between Eckhart and Heidegger -- Paying attention -- The paradox of intention -- Intended attention -- Conclusion -- Notes -- PART IV: Re-readings (...)
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    8. A Wide Concept of Economy.Rahel Jaeggi - 2017 - In Cristina Lafont & Penelope Deutscher (eds.), Critical Theory in Critical Times: Transforming the Global Political and Economic Order. New York, USA: Columbia University Press. pp. 160-180.
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    Une critique des formes de vie est-elle possible? Le négativisme éthique d'Adorno dans Minima Moralia.Rahel Jaeggi - 2005 - Actuel Marx 38 (2):135-158.
    This article reads Adornos's Minima Moralia as an ethical critique of capitalism as a form of life. Negativistic in his approach Adorno reflects, at the same time, on the difficulty of establishing a positive standard for this critique. Reading Minima Moralia through the lenses of the contemporary debate I hold that his approach undermines the alternative between liberal abstinence towards ethical questions and paternalistic theories of the good life in a fruitful way.
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    Expertise and the Politics of Failure.Rahel Kunz - 2016 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 9 (2).
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  42. Antologia di scritti.Kurt Lewin - 1977 - Bologna: Il mulino. Edited by Giuseppe Galli.
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  43. On the Edge in the World of Business.Roger Lewin & Birute Regine - forthcoming - Complexity.
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  44. The educational awareness of the future.David Lewin - 2022 - In Friedrich Schleiermacher (ed.), F.D.E. Schleiermacher's outlines of the art of education: a translation & discussion. New York: Peter Lang.
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  45. Relativism, Perspectivism, and the Universal Epistemic Language.Michael Lewin - forthcoming - Philosophy of the History of Philosophy.
    Recent research gives perspectivism the status of a stand-alone epistemological research program. As part of this development, it must be distinguished from other epistemologies, especially relativism. Not only do relativists and perspectivists use a similar vocabulary—even the supposed tenets (features of the doctrine) seem to partially overlap. To clarify the relation between these programs, I suggest drawing two important distinctions. The first is between the (1) terminological and (2) doctrinal components of epistemologies, the second between the (2a) analytical and (2b) (...)
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    Behold: Silence and Attention in Education.David Lewin - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (3):355-369.
    Educators continually ask about the best means to engage students and how best to capture attention. These concerns often make the problematic assumption that students can directly govern their own attention. In order to address the role and limits of attention in education, some theorists have sought to recover the significance of silence or mindfulness in schools, but I argue that these approaches are too simplistic. A more fundamental examination of our conceptions of identity and agency reveals a Cartesian and (...)
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  47. The Conceptual Basis of Perspectivism / Понятийный базис перспективизма.Michael Lewin, Vadim Chaly, Sergey Lugovoy & Leonid Kornilaev - forthcoming - Philosophy of the History of Philosophy.
    In recent decades, perspectivism has developed into an independent epistemological research program. Perspectivism is based on the idea of perspective as an attempt to elucidate an object from a multitude of factors. Perspectivists are concerned with reconstructing and explaining these factors, identifying the conditioning of epistemic acts, using concepts such as “position”/“point of view,” “gaze,” “angle of view,” “horizon,” “focus,” “picture,” “relativity,” and “context”. Although these concepts are part of the perspectivist's toolkit, their content and interrelationship have not yet been (...)
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    ‘The BP is a great British company’: The discursive transformation of an environmental disaster into a national economic problem.Rahel Cramer - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (2):109-127.
    In the contemporary globalized economy, multinational companies have come to hold considerable power that may previously have rested with nation states. However, state structures remain relevant. With Brexit, the year 2016 featured an exemplary case in which the ongoing importance of nation states came to the fore. Preceding the British referendum to exit the European Union, discourses of national identity were deployed to promote a vote for the anti-globalization campaign. It is against this background that this research investigates how the (...)
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  49. Austrian Capital Theory: A Modern Survey of the Essentials.Peter Lewin & Nicolas Cachanosky - 1900 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element presents a new framework for Austrian Capital Theory, starting from the notion that capital is value. Capital is the value attributed by the valuer at any moment in time to the combination of production-goods and labor available for production. Capital is the result obtained by calculating the current value of a business-unit or business-project that employs resources over time. It is the result of a entrepreneurial calculation process that relates the flow of consumptions goods to the value of (...)
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  50. Musical Analysis as Stage Direction.David Lewin - 1992 - In Steven Paul Scher (ed.), Music and text: critical inquiries. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 163--76.
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